I'd like to welcome everyone who joins once again. Hopefully this will build up a bit, and we can get some real good discussions going. We feel this could be a real good place to really try and explain what you loved about a movie. Anything from the core of the script, to the acting; from cinematography to the editing. You name it, we wanna know what made a movie click with you.
(Side note: If you post up a movie and give it a review, try to keep the spoilers in a particular spot and be sure to mark them. Just so people can skip the post if they need to.)
So without further adieu I would like to start with a movie I watched for the first time tonight:
Law Abiding CitizenThis was a movie that I wanted to see when it was in theatres. It was a cool idea, with good actors. Some of the dialogue in the trailer was a little cheesy ("Its gunna be biblical."), but hey...we can all use a little cheesy hollywood dialogue every now and then. The trailer had me hooked from the get go. I didn't get around to seeing it on the theatre, but I will throw out there that it looked great in Blu-Ray.
The movie was shot pretty well, decent cinematography, good camera movement. The production design stood out in particular instances. The solitary confinement set looked like a damp dungeon from the middle ages; not particularly realistic for current prisons, but it looked damn good.
I love the actors in this film. Gerard Butler is a dignified bad-ass, Jamie Foxx is outstanding, and Colm Meaney is awesome. All three of their performances are decent, Gerard giving the strongest and most believable.
With a good mix of action and suspense, Law Abiding Citizen was a fun movie. The ending was a bit lacking in my opinion, but it worked within the confines of the film (and the two hour time limit, hehe). Its definitely worth a rent if you guys have netflix or something like that.
So, for those who have seen Law Abiding Citizen, what are your thoughts on it? What did you enjoy about the movie? Hate? Love? Anything at all!